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Av Tina Karlsson - 30 maj 2012 21:21

Yesterday Dinio got a resting day, though I was ill. Today Dinio was first attended by his ferrier. We are still having problems with the right forward hoof but it is developing slowly. During the evening Gunilla Ruus came and we had our second session. Dinio has just felt lovely, relaxed and calm in his mouth during our last sessions, but today he was on edge. Nevertheless he did a good job this evening and at the end he felt super. We trained on bending, straightness, volts with correct tracking, shoulder in, both in trot and canter, some counter canter where the left counter canter is the weekest so here we have some work to do. I also took the opportunity to train a bit on medium extended trot and canter, which worked perfectly. At the end we also did some work with half passes in counter canter on the long side of the arena, which really made Dinio so soft with super canter. It was a real good exercise and I will do this one now and then when needed.

Very pleased indeed I gave Dinio a shower and some extra hay to feed on until the evening hay is served. He was also very pleased with himself.

Adding a photo from last week, Dinio in his beloved outdoor paddock.


Av Tina Karlsson - 27 maj 2012 10:14

A week ago - the summer finally arrived. Dinio enjoys the sun and the warm weather. I can finally relax a bit because now he drinks water properly. I am still giving him slobber mash with a lot of water and a lot of water in his concentrated feeding. I have also started to give him "Vitamate Cool Performer", a rice based concentrated feeding. Good for colic horses and he just loves it. Rather expensive but worth a try.

This Wednesday I took Dinio to the vet clinic. Wanted to examine his mouth once again, due to his mouth problem when riding. The vet (dentist) found some problems and corrected them. She said that Dinio had fine teeth but one of them was higher than the others. He had two sores in his gum, not good. This tooth is his problem area and I have to come back within 4-6 months, depending on how he feels when riding. She also checked the bridle and it was just perfect for Dinio. I should give him a 3 day resting and then start to ride him as usual again. Dinio also got a flour treatment.

On Thursday I dewormed Dinio and during Thursday and Friday he stayed in his outdoor paddock from 07.00 too 16.00 He just loved it. Yesterday I gave him an easy session and he felt a bit tensed and over excited. He got a bit worried when I brought him in earlier (than 16.00) and he called for the other horses. But as soon as I was riding him he calmed down.

Today we are going to do some serious work.

Adding some photos from this week from the outdoor paddock. The muscles are coming more and more and he has also gained more in weight.    

Av Tina Karlsson - 16 maj 2012 10:36

On Monday evening Dinio and I took a calm stroll around Täljö. He enjoyed every minute of it. After our ride I gave him a good massage and stretched him. He really enjoyed that.

Tuesday evening it was time for our first dressage session for trainer Gunilla Ruus. Dinio felt just lovely, soft and obedient and calm in his mouth. This session everything worked and he was with me all of the time. I told Gunilla what we have trained on during our weekend clinic and what Tiago recommended me to work on - and Gunilla agreed. So we did a follow up and worked on bending and strightness. And Dinio was just super. Soooo happy! I am now going to train for Gunilla once every week. So looking forward to that!

My sister also took a lesson with here horse Chilikungen. He did very well as well and she will also train for Gunilla from now on. My sister was very pleased with her lesson and the instructions Gunilla gave here.

I will soon post a video from the weekend clinic with Tiago!!

Av Tina Karlsson - 16 maj 2012 09:37

This weekend Dinio and I attended a two-day clinic in Enköping. The trainer was Tiago Albergaria from Portugal. For more information about him - see http:\\

With me was also my darling mother. Dinio got a box in the guest stable and settled in very well. Me and my mother had rented a room for one night. Nice room. The evening was sceduled for an Portugise evening with food and wine.

So to the riding: Dinio was very tensed during the saturday session, the indoor arena was light and spacy but the seeting area was very high and this was new to Dinio. He glansed a lot towards this area. But it is also a good experience for him, to learn to relax in various surroundings. And I was of course a bit nervous as well. But I think we did well anyway. Trained on shoulder in, half passes in trot and canter, counter canter and circles. Since Dinio is a very ambitious horse he is often ahead of me, so if he have done one half pass he is alreayd prepared to do another one in the next corner. And there I have to correct him and it is here he gets tensed and starting to guess. In other words we have problems with going from bended lines to straight lines and from straight lines to bended lines. Here I have a lot of work to do, to make him relax and wait for my signals.

Unfortunately I got a big riding sore during the session which gave me a lot of pain during the Sunday-session. At the beginning it felt rather OK but I soon realized that I was not able to do any canter work with this sore - so I asked Tiago if he could ride Dinio for me. And he accepted. He rode a follow up from the yesterday session and focused on bending and strightness. It was very worthful for me to see Dinio under a very experienced and well riding rider and of course - to get his oppinion of what to work with for the nextcoming months. Tiago rode Dinio extremely well, it was so nice to watch them together.

Tiagos reccomendation now is to focus on straigthness on straight lines and riding circles with bending and correct tracking and to maintain the same rhythm - all the time. I didn't need to train on the movements too much- "he now it all".

I can't finish without telling how extremely well Dinio behaved during his stay at the guest stable. Beside him he had a 3-year old stallion who was very nervous during the afternoon and the night. He climbed on the wall, moved around a lot and neighed a lot. Dinio tried to great him now and then but backed off and didn't seek for a fight. I am getting more and more impressed with my darling Dinio - he is just wonderful.

When arriving at home Dinio stepped out of the trailer, took a deep breath, greated the other horses and was happy to be home again. Since it was only 1 o'clock in the afternoon I led him to his outdoor paddock and he was very happy to spend some hours there - so happy that he didn't want to follow the other horses in to the stable at 4 o'clock. But after a while he came, got his afternoon feeding and then he told me - go home - I need my well earned nap now!!

Av Tina Karlsson - 7 maj 2012 08:37

Since last Tuesday, when Dinio was just super, the performance have varied a lot. Not to bad of course but it would be nice to keep the feeling for several days. But it depends, of course, on many things, disturbances around the outdoor arena when riding, how I am feeling for the day and so on. Yesterday Dinio was very tensed but even so he did a splendid collected work. Have to be happy for that. Otherwise the weekend was wonderful, regarding to the weather. Sunshine every day, 15 degrees C. Dinio moves around a lot now in his outdoor paddock. He has missed the sun and enjoys every minute of it. Saturday was spent on a cleaning day at the stable. Everybody joined and we did some tidying up around and inside the stable but also the surroundings in general. Dinio lost a shoe when playing around but my ferrier will arrive on Monday to put it on again.

Next weekend we will attend a two-day dressage clinic in Enköping. Later on in May I have sceduled a clinic visit to examine Dinio's teeth with exray and to check his couthing in the beginning of every session.

Av Tina Karlsson - 1 maj 2012 18:35

Today I had a super feeling on Dinio. He was just fantastic. A day to remember and I hope this feeling will stay for a while. We are soon ready for competitions. We have got our competition licenses so nothing will stop us now. I just have to choose very carefully among the competitions and classes. I have to qualify to mid level B which means that Dinio and I have to compete in mid level C twice and the results not lower than 62%. If we are lucky and our small issues left are solved we can hopeully qualify to mid level A as well this year. For that we have to compete twice in mid level B and the results not lower than 62%. We are certainly going to try.

The weather are now warm and sunny here in Sweden. The grass are growing and the trees are turning green. Lovely! This has affected Dinio as well, he is happier than ever, enjoyes the sun and are drinking water better and better.Thank God for that! I have increased his concentrated feeding with 0.5 kg and decreased his straw by 1kg. I have also exchanged his afternoon hay with 3,5 kg horse hage. He just loves it!

April 16 my ferrier attended Dinios hoofs. They are improving month by month but there are still a bit more before my ferrier is happy. Adding a picture of his front hoofs now.

April 27 a saddle check with Maria Hallring. The saddle fitted perfectly. She also gave Dinio a massage and she found that he had some problems with a few muscle groups. She gave me instructions and I have continued to massage him every day - which are giving a lot of pay off. He just feels wonderful now. 


Av Tina Karlsson - 15 april 2012 11:05

29th of March Dinio's chiropractor examined him and corrected him. He was a bit stuck in his right side. His mouth problem could origin from this. But overall she thought that Dinio had developed a lot and was really fit. I shouldn't worry to much, give him an easy session this day and from the next day ride him as usual. March 30 my sister moved to our stable with her horse Chilikungen. He settled in immediately. I also noticed that Dinio has not got any cholic for 7 weeks now. Hipp hipp Hurray!!

Thow my sister is new in the stable and does'nt know the surroundings we decided to take a long walk together with our horses on April 3rd. My ame was to show here the forrest nereby. Dinio took the lead and was so happy to walk inte the nature again. Due to the wet ground in the forrest I haven't been there for a while.  Suddenly Dinio froze, his heart started to beat very hard. He was really terryfied and paralized. In those situations you really have to take it very slow and easy. I tried to get in touch with him with no success. Chilikungen was calm and we tried to let him take the lead. But Dinio didn't follow. Still very afraid and the hart still beating very hard. So we decided to turn back. Was it wild bor or a moose?

Dinio didn't want to return eather. He was still not listening to me. Finally he started to move and we took another way through the forrest. When leaving the forrest I noticed that Dinio was swetting a lot and he was still very upset. He didn't calm down until we entered the farm where the stable is situated. Poor Dinio! Both my sister and I wonder what it whas that have frightened him so much.

Our dressage sessions varies from excellent to not so good. The straight bridle makes Dinio to open his mouth and he fights it. So this is a bridle that I have to exclude. But the dentist gave strong orders. Talked to Helen in Spain and she recommend me to try Sprenger. Dinio has a very small mouth and need a bridle that doesn't take som much place in his mouth. I have also looked at Bomber bits and decided to try Bomber bits happy mouth - a stright bridle with tounge freedom. After one session this friday (13th of April) I must say it was a huge different - so much calmer in his mouth.

Today Sunday 15th Margareta will helf me to check wether the bridle is correct in lengt or if it to short. But I think it fits.

Oh, I just forgot. On April 11th a small cholic attack with was over after 10 minutes.

Adding one of my favourit photos of me and Dinio. Taken March 25 - 2012.  

Av Tina Karlsson - 25 mars 2012 18:24

This weekend the weather was lovely so my darling mother decided to pop in when Dinio and I had our session. Also my sister and her duaghter Jennifer came, cause they will move their horse "Chili Kungen" to our stable next weekend. There is so much to move when changing stables. Anyway, Dinio did great and I am soooo pleased with him.

Serpentines in wrong canter - no problem, flying change - no problem, half passes in trot and canter - no problem. Trot halt - no problem. Catching canter from the walk worked perfectly during our Saturday session, but not so well during our Sunday session. But it is getting better and better. I still have to work on the reverse and the canter. We also have some work left on transitions between extended trot and working trot. But we are going in the correct direction.

I have a new puzzle to solve - Dinio is now working on a straight bridle, but he is not so pleased with it. We have got orders from Dinios dentist to ride on this bridle for a while. So I have to find a solution to this.

After our session during Saturday, a happy Jennifer was aloud to ride Dinio in the walk for a little while. She takes lession on a riding school and just love horses. In fact she rides very well and want to ride on Dinio now and then. But she will have to wait until our riding arena has a fence on the open side of the arena, which will be in place during this spring. Adding some photos from our weekend session.


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